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Hey! So to wrap up this year my friend Chloe's taking over the blog to review her year. Hope you have a blessed new years, good luck for all those resolutions and enjoy this post! X It’s 5:47 am. The air is untouched, installing a stillness amidst the grandeur. Before me the first hint of sunlight spills out along the eastern horizon, gently erasing the stars. A dusky pink fills the expanse with the promise of a new day, while below waves crash at the shore frothing and foaming as unrelenting as the next. On mornings like this, there is a stronger urge than ever to sit here for a moment, and behold the unapologetic beauty and its creator.   Unbeknownst to me is the connection between idyllic settings and reflective moments, but somehow I find myself caught in the happenings of the past year. And so I lay out the last 365 days before me like a photographer examining her film and begin.   I recognise the day when I understood the gravity of perspective. I felt ...

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