To the future me I haven't met
First of all, I want to apologize
for not posting in a while, life just got really busy and that shouldn’t be an
excuse but to be honest I didn’t really know what to say. But I’ve been
thinking quite a bit over the past few weeks of all the things that life has
taught me and how the younger me really didn’t expect any of it. So, in honour
of my 19th birthday I’ve decided to share with you nineteen of the
many lessons I’ve learnt over the course of my life up to this point in history
in the form of a letter to my future self. Hope you enjoy!!
To the future me I haven’t met,
I guess I'm kind of stuck with you for the rest of my life, rip that. Anyways i just wanted to take a couple of minutes to share with you a couple of lessons I've learnt over the past 19 years and I really hope you can use them as we go into the next 19+ (i hope) years together. Anyways here they are I guess...
- Good things take time. You have a really bad habit of wanting to fast forward through life to the parts that you think you’ll actually enjoy. I’m telling you now to STOP and appreciate the slower moments in life. The moments that you didn’t spend your whole life planning out. Those moments are the best.
- Stop overthinking especially in the early hours of the morning. Just give it to God and go to sleep.
- Don’t ever compromise anything for a boy. I know you went through a stage of taking a heap of risks but please don’t ever put your grades and your morals on the line for a guy. ESPECIALLY for a guy you mean nothing to.
- People can wait. You don’t have to reply the second you receive the message, snap, text, whatever. The phone was created to aid you not the person on the other end. Be with the people your with because at the end of the day you’re more likely to remember the laughter and the hoons more than you’ll ever remember the messages you sent.
- If it’s meant to be it’ll sort itself out. DON’T stress yourself out over people not responding straight away, they have a life too!! You live two weeks ahead of yourself and that’s okay but some people live two minutes ahead of themselves so don’t get mad with last minute cancellations or the spontaneous invitations. Just go with it.
- Pink hair and liquid eyeliner are always a good idea.
- Don’t let social media control you. Honestly social media is so addictive and the constant need for the worlds approval can become kryptonite. But it shouldn’t. All you need in this world is Gods approval and if your usage of social media isn’t supporting that then just stop.
- Learn to recognize your down days so you can limit your self-implosion. You’ll understand this concept more as you grow older and I half wish I could give you a formula to keep you from all the crap in the world but if anything let me remind you that if a happy Lavinia wouldn’t do it then its probably not a good idea.
- Things always seem better after a good night’s sleep.
- You can never be overdressed or over educated. So ask questions no matter how stupid they seem. And pls never dress homeless.
- Listen to the people around you. Let’s be honest you talk way too much. Sometimes you need to shut up girl. Other people have life stories and struggles too. If you just stopped and listened you might actually learn something.
- Stop complaining.
- Macca’s isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Yes, granted it drives you crazy but sometimes it’s your only source of normality. Enjoy it. You get the opportunity to feed into hundreds of people’s lives through out every shift so just smile and don’t let your personal struggles influence how you do your job, or how you interact with people. Be honest, yes. But don’t ruin someone else’s day just because your life isn’t all rainbows and lollipops.
- Friendships end. This was one of the BIGGEST lessons I’ve learnt this year. I think that somewhere in my naivety I thought that all my friendships from high school would stay the same once we left. But I guess Elim was the super glue holding our friendships together, and without that we actually had to make the effort to stay friends. Some did, some didn’t and you just have to learn to accept that. It doesn’t matter if you were inseparable throughout the whole five years. The thing about friendship is that it’s a two-way street so two people; you and the other human; have to consciously make the decision to keep that friendship going. Don’t get me wrong, commitment is great but only if its reciprocated, I mean if only one of you is super committed then your just left clinging and what does that say about you moving on?? I guess that brings me to my next point.
- LET IT GO!! You as the fabulous human you are tend to hold on to hard to EVERYTHING and that’s not okay. Let go of that thing you said 5 years ago, that no one remembers except you. You can’t let stuff like that haunt you for life, that’s just not cool. I mean you can’t change what’s in the past. But you don’t just hold on to memories you hold on to people. I can’t tell you how much I wish I learnt to let go earlier than I did.
- Love with everything you have. I'll go more in depth in a future post because I've actually been learning so much about love these past few months.
- The world doesn’t revolve around you. If you take this at face value it seems obvious. Like “duh lavinia, do I look like the sun??” But take it one step further. Because the world doesn’t revolve around you, you can’t expect people to do what you want ASAP (unless it’s their job but that’s a different story).
- People appreciate authenticity more than fakeness. Yes, I know you used fake smiles and laughs to get through a specific time in your life but girl that times over. Right now, it’s your turn to be real and that’s so much more exciting than a fake smile.
- You're surrounded by some of the most amazing humans ever!! DONT EVER FORGET THAT!!!